Importance of Interactivity
Let me express how important current interactive apps and tools are in the middle school classroom. Using games and “tools help increase student engagement and expand where and when students learn.” (Kyvete Shatri, 2022) With this new generation of student’s attention spans shortening because of the internet and social media short reels it is vital to include great digital tools for learning in your arsenal of classroom resources. Student engagement feels as though it is almost non-existent in middle school these days without some form of movement, hands on activity or game-based learning. The possiblity of teachers being able to intergrate technology has “helped them deliver coginitive values but also affective and psychomotor values.” (Kyvete Shatri, 2022) Remember teachers are competing for their attention with flashy games on their phones, iPad and chrome books. With new games and tools students attitudes and motivation can change giving them new perspective on education with the additional bennefit of learning content. (Kyvete Shatri, 2022) Moreover, The repetitivie skills can be completely done without teacher interference giving the student more control over their own learning pace. (Haoqun Yan, 2022)
Advantages and Challenges
Additionally, there are still advantages and challenges with the implementation of games and tools in the classroom. For example blended learning provides student engagement by using technology, apps and tools outside of the teacher led instruction. Students are actively involved, interested, and motivatied during the learning process. (Mohd Mushtaq, August 2023) Alone, they are not a totally solution for learning, but they do provide more positive results than negative. It is a balancing act that must be facilitated by the instructor or teacher. Giving students autonmony of their learning is beneficial. However, lets not forget that younger students still need guidance and support outside the digital rich content. Incorporating play into the curriculum can be exciting even for the teacher but there is point were too much play just becomes a disruption and deep learning comes to a stop. The lines between play and learning can become blurred. (Alexander Bacalja, 2023)
Top 3 tools: Quizizz, Blooket and Games to Learn English
Intergration- The Quizizz app is free and is compatible with iphones, ipads, ipod touch and Mac’s with O.S. 11.0. The Quizizz website also has a free version for laptops, and personal computers. Internet access is required. Of course, if you would like to purchase more functionalities there is a subscription price.
Cost- for the classroom or your district you can get a quote, but individually it’s free. Check your district first as you may already have a subscription included. Quizizz for work cost is $25 per month for standard, and $48 per month for premium.
Classroom Design- This app/website can be incorporated in an asynchronous or syncronous classroom. It can be sent by a link through their school email for students to do individually or presented in an online format like Zoom. Students can join using the code link displayed on the board or use their phones by taking a picture of the QR link. Some schools already have the Quizizz app connected through Schoology, blackboard or google classrooms.
Intergration-Similarily to other quiz apps, Blooket has a free version for smartphones, and laptops and personal devices. The website also has a free version students can access. WIFI not included. The app is designed to be compatible with most devices. There are additional plans in which you can purchase a blook (the virtual icons) to customize your play with your online account subscription.
Cost-The cost of blooket is free for the starter account, for upgrade options there are price plans for the plus account at $4.99/month charged yearly, and then there is a plus flex price of $9.99 a month. All upgrades include starter plan plus game options, and themes.
Classroom Design- Blooket is available through most learning devices and can be used in both asyncronous and syncronous learning enviroments. Again, you can also use the Blooket on your smartboard or T.V as a class or have students use it at their seats with student learning devices like an ipad. I like blooket more than Kahoot because you don’t have to monitor the game, it automatically moves on to the next question after students answer the multiple choice selection. It time sensitive, which is really nice for teachers when your trying to do grades, or write emails.
Games to Learn English
Intergration- Games to Learn English is unfornately only avaible through internet access on it’s website There is no app which was disheartening. I really think it would be an amazing tool as an app. But, never fear you can get the same amazing games and English learning experience on the website with internet access. Even better, than that is it’s free.
Cost- The discovery of a great English learning website and it’s free. That is a win-win, right? Well, mostly. There are some draw backs. As you know when something is free especially on an educational website that usually means lots of ads. Yep, there are some ads during play on the website, but it's really not too bad. I’ve only seen one which was the ad for IXL. That’s pretty good considering other websites.
Classroom Design-– It uses google classroom.. By creating a google account it will connect to the teachers’ content and monitor student progress of work completed. Student's information is connected to just that teachers individual account. In the teacher’s section you can share links of games with your students. That's a lot easier than giving step by step directions on how to find the game on the website.
The good news is all three of these tools are free for the classroom. The only thing you need is internet access, a legitimate email, and a device iPad, smartphone, Chromebook, or a personal computer with internet access. Teachers and students can access the internet through their school’s Wi-Fi connection. If there isn’t Wi-Fi access through school, you can allow older students in your classroom to use their phones for educational purposes. With all three websites the data is collected from students progress and then the data is transmitted to the teacher’s email account that is registered on the website. Data can be reviewed by the teacher in the analytics sections of each site. Many websites for students have some free versions of the game, however they also have upgrades available for the student or teacher that increase game choices, icons or game themes for students.
I like all three of these apps/tools because they can be displayed for a whole class exercise on a smart board, or they can be used individually at their seats as independent work. If we play as a class, the students can play along with the same game on their chrome books with the Quizizz and blooket apps. With the Games to learn English website it can be interactive so students can take turns coming to the board to practice their vocabulary skills, compete as a team, or you can do it as a whole class. Students will have the oppportunity to practice pronunciation of English words and phrases. I have used the website both ways with virtual learning as well. Display your screen on Google or Zoom and have students play along by using the codes provided to join a game in Quizizz or Blooket. With GamestolearnEnglish , students can play as a class on zoom, but won’t be able to have the interactive function. However, I have students choose the correct blocks by correlating the answers with the order of numbers or letters for example “box number 1 or 3,” or if using letters “ Box b or c.” Sometimes students prefer this way because its more intimidating than to stand up in front of the entire class. They don't seem to mind though just calling out the answer from their seats.
Try It Out!
Okay, so here’s your chance to check out quizizz for yourself. Will you agree me, is it the better of the three? Gaming can be subjective of course, so if it’s not your favorite that’s quite all right. The point is to experience and try it out in the classroom. Check the functionalities, the ease of the assesements and ask you students how much they like it! Walk around the room and see if their participation increases, are they motivated? Did their attitudes about learning new concepts change? Remember that “student engagement has been conceptualized as the quality of effort and energy, which students demonstrate during activities that contribute to desired learning outcomes.”(Hu and Kuh 2002) Are the games effective with the learning outcomes? Again, don’t forget to check out or any of the other apps and websites.
My Final Thoughts
I am more familiar with Blooket and the Games to Learn English website, but like the variety of topics that Quizizz has available for teachers and students to choose from. They have more topics to select from that are geared toward older students. Their ability to create learning assessment with ease is very appealing to a teacher. We don't have unlimited time therefore, what time we have needs to be put to good use. As a results, creating assessments that can be used over and over and grade themselves is a game changer for us.
Blooket has six broad categories. However, you can customize your own and choose what ever topic you would like to create. Blooket does have better game themes to choose from and students actually play against each other to win. One thing I would change would be to add more adult centered games. Adults like a little competition as well. Creating games that would interest adult learners would expand your customer base. Studies show universities are always looking to “meet the challenges educators face engaging students online.”(Jeanette Abrahamsen, 2023)
Games to Learn English has an excellent format in design. The categories are specifically catered to ELL learners so they already have many types of topic in grammar, speaking, listening and reading modalities. But, they do not offer the same competitive platform in real time like Quizizz and Blooket. Their games are effective in that they do teach students and help them master the skills needed while being interactive. According to the article Students’ perceptions of Kahoot!: An exploratory mixed-method study in EFL undergraduate classrooms in the UAE, digital games are learning machines, which can add an extra level of motivation, engagement, and incentive to many classrooms. (Alawadhi, 2020) Unfortunately, their designs and themes are pretty medicore, but maybe that is what they where going for that way the can focus on the material.
Alexander Bacalja, B. L. (2023). Playful literacies and pedagogical priorities: digital games in the English Classroom. ETPC, 447-461.
Azza Alawadhi, E. A.-A. (2021). Students perceptions of Kahoot!: An exploratory mixed-method study in EFL undergraduate classrooms in the UAE. Education and Information Technologies, 629-658.
Haoqun Yan, H. Z. (2022). A Qualitative Study on the Model of Factors Influencing Online Interactivity and Student Learning Engagement in the Post-Pandemic Era. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 22, 45-64.
Kyvete Shatri, L. S. (2022). Evaluating the Effect of Interactive Digital . Hindawi Educational Research International Presentations on Students' Performance during Technology Class , 9.
Min Huang, F. K. (2022). EFL Learners' engagement in different activities of blended learning environment. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Forein Language Education, 1-15.
Mohd Mushtaq, B. L. (August 2023). Engagement in Bleded Learing and Academic Performance Among Secondary Level Students. Educational Quest: An Int. J. of Education and Applied Social Sciences: Vol.14, No.2, , pp. 129-137.